中醫 PubMed 「搜尋關鍵字」模板

本文以 migraine(偏頭痛) 與 constipaiton(便秘) 作為範例,搜尋時請將這兩個詞替換成你要搜尋的疾病。



migraine AND acupuncture NOT “protocol”[Title]

這串文字看似簡單,但 PubMed 其實會自動將 acupuncture 轉換成以下語法:

“acupunctural”[All Fields] OR “acupuncture”[MeSH Terms] OR “acupuncture”[All Fields] OR “acupuncture therapy”[MeSH Terms] OR (“acupuncture”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields]) OR “acupuncture therapy”[All Fields] OR “acupuncture’s”[All Fields] OR “acupunctured”[All Fields] OR “acupunctures”[All Fields] OR “acupuncturing”[All Fields]

Migraine 也是一樣的道理,所以如果不熟悉語法,讓 PubMed 幫你來也是不錯的選擇。

如果想要看 PubMed 幫你轉換後的語法,可以點 Advenced > Details

截圖 2025 01 10 晚上8.51.07
截圖 2025 01 10 晚上8.52.02

共有 764 個結果,119 篇 RCT


在簡單的基礎上面,加入一些可能漏掉的字,像是 acupoint, dry needle, meridian…等等

migraine AND (acupuncture OR “acupuncture*”[Title/Abstract] OR “acupoint*”[Title/Abstract] OR “acupressure*”[Title/Abstract] OR “electroacupuncture*”[Title/Abstract] OR “electro-acupuncture*”[Title/Abstract] OR “dry needle*”[Title/Abstract] OR “meridian*”[Title/Abstract]) NOT “protocol”[Title]

共有 775 個結果, 122 篇 RCT



migraine AND (acupuncture OR “acupuncture*”[Title/Abstract] OR “acupoint*”[Title/Abstract] OR “acupressure*”[Title/Abstract] OR “electroacupuncture*”[Title/Abstract] OR “electro-acupuncture*”[Title/Abstract] OR “dry needle*”[Title/Abstract] OR “meridian*”[Title/Abstract] OR “catgut embedding”[Title/Abstract] OR “pharmacopuncture*”[Title/Abstract]  OR “transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation”[Title/Abstract] OR “trigger point*”[Title/Abstract]) NOT “protocol”[Title]

共有 933 個結果,131 篇 RCT

排除 RCT 計畫

搜尋 RCT 時,常常跳出還沒做臨床試驗的 RCT 計畫(protocol),所以我習慣會在後面加上一串字,排除標題有提到 protocol 的結果。

NOT “protocol”[Title]



constipation AND traditional chinese medicine NOT protocol[ti]

跟上面說明的一樣道理,PubMed 會自動把 traditional chinese medicien 轉換成

“medicine, chinese traditional”[MeSH Terms] OR (“medicine”[All Fields] AND “chinese”[All Fields] AND “traditional”[All Fields]) OR “chinese traditional medicine”[All Fields] OR (“traditional”[All Fields] AND “chinese”[All Fields] AND “medicine”[All Fields]) OR “traditional chinese medicine”[All Fields]

一共 686 個結果,73 篇 RCT



constipation AND (traditional chinese medicine OR “Medicine, East Asian Traditional”[Mesh] OR chinese medicine[Title/Abstract] OR kanpo[Title/Abstract] OR kampo[Title/Abstract]) NOT protocol[ti]

一共 753 個結果,82 篇 RCT



NOT (acupuncture*[ti] OR acupoint*[ti] OR electroacupuncture*[ti] OR moxibustion*[ti])

搜尋出的 RCT 就從 82 篇減少至 56 篇


Sibrecht G, Wong MY, Shrestha R, Bruschettini M. Acupuncture for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in neonates. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2024;12(12):CD007968. Published 2024 Dec 18. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD007968.pub3

Mu J, Furlan AD, Lam WY, Hsu MY, Ning Z, Lao L. Acupuncture for chronic nonspecific low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020;12(12):CD013814. Published 2020 Dec 11. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD013814